• Castle Attack Transfer Pack

Castle Attack Transfer Pack

  • Product Code: MCATP
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £3.50

Product Description: This Castle Attack transfer pack consists of a full colour A4 size card with a scene from an attack on a castle in medieval times on the inside and on the reverse of the pack an image of knights in combat to colour in as well as historical information.

Also supplied is a sheet of over 58 rubdown action transfers of knights, archers, projectiles, arrows and a battering ram that can be 'rubbed' onto the card so you can create your own medieval castle attack scene.

Information: An attacking army had to break through a castle’s defences to get inside its walls. This was done by surrounding the castle to stop food, water and reinforcements from helping the castle’s occupants. The castle would then be attacked with siege weapons like catapults, battering rams, siege towers and ladders. Once inside, knights would fight to the death for control of the castle.

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