• Knight's Helmet Pencil Topper

Knight's Helmet Pencil Topper

  • Product Code: KH/PT
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £3.50

Product Description: This Knight's Helmet pencil topper is made from lead-free pewter and is a 3D model of a Great Helm. It is supplied on a 13cm black wooden pencil with the inscription "Defend the weak, be courteous to all women, be loyal to their king, and serve God at all times. The knights code of chivalry" printed on it in silver.

Information: The great helm covered the entire head and would have been worn from the late twelfth century during the Crusades. It remained in use until the fourteenth century. Although the great helm offered vastly superior protection than previous helmets, it also limited the wearer’s peripheral vision, provided little ventilation was very heavy.

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