• Richard III Angel Coin Pack

Richard III Angel Coin Pack

  • Product Code: R3ACP
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £4.30

Product Description: This reproduction Richard III Angel is moulded directly from an original coin and is made from lead-free pewter that is 22ct gold plated. The wallet type packaging has a hole on the front in which the coin is held in a clear blister. The coin pack has an image of Richard III on the front, the two coins in the collection inside, as well as additional Richard III images. It has historical information about the coins and about Richard III.

Information: The original Angel was struck between July 1483 and June 1484. The obverse of the coin depicts St Michael and the dragon and the reverse a ship bearing the royal shield.

Richard III was born on 2 October 1452. On the death of King Edward IV in April 1483, the crown passed to Prince Edward V and Richard was appointed as Protector. Edward was declared illegitimate and together with his younger brother moved to the Tower of London. Richard III was pronounced King on 26 June 1483 and was crowned on 6 July. The princes were never seen again.

In October 1483, the Duke of Buckingham led a rebellion to depose Richard III. It was proposed that Henry Tudor should return from exile in Brittany and take the throne. The Duke’s forces deserted him and the rebellion collapsed.

Henry Tudor landed in West Wales in 1485 with a small French force. He recruited more soldiers and on 22 August 1485 his 8,000 strong army faced Richard’s army of 12,000 at Bosworth Field. Richard fought bravely but was struck down in the conflict and Henry Tudor became King Henry VII. Richard III was the last English King to die in battle.

Richard III did not receive the noble burial of a king. For centuries his final resting place was a mystery. Then in 2012 a skeleton was dug up on the site occupied by Greyfriars, Leicester. In February 2013 it was announced that this skeleton belonged to Richard III.

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