• Roman Peacock Quill Pen

Roman Peacock Quill Pen

  • Product Code: RPCQUILL
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £3.75

Product Description: This Roman Peacock Quill Pen is made from a real peacock feather attached to a ribbon covered pen that has a biro nib. The quill pen measures approximately 30 centimetres long, however lengths will vary as the feather is a natural product. The quill is supplied with a colourful information card. On the front there is an image of a peacock. On the back is an image of a peacock and historical information. The quill and card are held in a clear hanging bag.

Information: The Peacock was the symbol of the Roman goddess Juno. She was the wife of Jupiter and was the Queen of the gods. Some Roman Emperors wanted to be attributed to the gods and featured them on their coinage. When Faustina died in 141 AD her coinage showed an image of a Peacock on the reverse attributing her to Juno.

Peacocks featured in art and sculpture with their images adorning the houses of wealthy Romans on mosaics and pottery. These Romans would also eat Peacocks seasoned with boiled wine and pepper. The meat was made into meatballs and served with honey and fish sauce.

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