• Spear Head Pendant - Pewter

Spear Head Pendant - Pewter

  • Product Code: SHP
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £3.50

Product Description: This spear head pendant is made from lead-free pewter and is inspired from the spear heads made by early man. The spear head is supplied on a waxed cord. The pendant is mounted on an information card, which explains about early man.

Information: Most scientists regard the species Homo habilis (skilful human being) as the first type of human being. These primitive people appeared about 2 million years ago in Africa. Archaeological evidence shows that Homo habilis used stone tools.

Homo habilis developed into a more advanced type of human being known as Homo erectus (erect human being). Homo erectus appeared in Africa about 1.5 million years ago and spread to Asia and Europe. It learned how to make fire about 500,000 years ago and used a wider variety of stone tools than Homo habilis. For almost the entire prehistoric period of human existence, people lived by hunting game and gathering fruit, nuts, roots, seeds and other plant foods. These primitive people wandered over large areas in search of food.

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