Transport & Industry
The Industrial Revolution marked a transformative period in human history. It was characterised by a shift to industrial and mechanised production. Key innovations in machinery, manufacturing, and energy sources, such as steam engines and mechanised textile production, revolutionised various industries. This shift led to significant urbanisation, the rise of factory-based production, and increased productivity, but also brought about profound social and economic changes. The Industrial Revolution laid the foundation for modern industrialised societies.
Miner's Helmet Pin Badge - Pewter
Product Description: This Miner’s Helmet pin badge is made from lead-free pewter and is supplied on ..
The Rocket Pin Badge - Pewter
Product Description: This Rocket train pin badge is made from lead-free pewter and is supplied on a ..
Pick & Shovel Pin Badge - Pewter
Product Description: This Pick & Shovel pin badge is made from lead-free pewter and is supplied ..
Horseshoe Pin Badge - Pewter
Product Description: This Horseshoe pin badge is made from lead-free pewter and is supplied on a pin..
Penny Farthing Pin Badge - Pewter
Product Description: This Penny Farthing pin badge is made from lead-free pewter and is supplied on ..
Davy Lamp Pin Badge - Pewter
Product Description: This Davy Lamp pin badge is made from lead-free pewter and is supplied on a pin..
Steam Locomotive Pin Badge - Pewter
Product Description: This Steam Locomotive pin badge is made from lead-free pewter and is supplied o..
Miner's Helmet Pencil Topper - Pewter
Product Description: This Miner’s Helmet pencil topper is made from lead-free pewter and is a 3D mod..
Davy Lamp Key-Ring
Product Description: This Davy Lamp is made from lead-free pewter and is a miniature 3D model of a D..
Horseshoe Key-Ring
Product Description: This Horseshoe is made from lead-free pewter and is a miniature model of a hors..
Miner's Helmet Key-Ring
Product Description: This Miner's Helmet is made from lead-free pewter and is a miniature model of a..